
UARS Stages of rowing development checklists

Rowing categories at UARS

- Stage 1 rowers to Stage 2 rowers:

1. Attend at least 10 allmän träning sessions after rowing school:

Request Individual feedback on specific challenges you may have:

E.g. Digging, Proud position, Slow on the slide, Overstretching, Bent back, Late feathering, Late catch, Place the oar before you push, Let the thighs do the work. Feathering and grip on the oar. ⇒ Develop individual aims for each of the 10 sessions

2. Know basic rowing technique (legs, backs, arms, handle heights and feathering).

  • 10 times controlled warm-up. 5 times dipping exercise.
  • 5 times build-up exercise (legs only, legs and back, etc.)
  • 5 times Roll-ups. 3 times Half covered blade exercise.
  • 3 times Turn the boat with all rowers active.
  • 3 times Stop 1 and stop 2 with all rowers active

4. Rowing distances and at higher rates:

  • Row 5 km non-stop on the erg at a constant rate
  • Row 3km both in a double and a bigger boat, without stop
  • Be able to row and follow rate 24-28 in a crew

5. Safety

  • Perform three emergency stops without flipping in a small boat (2x)
  • Be aware of markers, obstacles and traffic
  • Know the traffic rules on Fyris
  • Demonstrate good awareness of traffic
  • Recognize unrowable weather conditions (wind, water temperature, current, thunder storms, ice & debris)
  • Understand and be able to give basic rowing commands
  • Know what to do if you fall in water (capsize)

6. Boat material

  • Know how to carry a boat safely
  • Know how to correctly get in and out of the boat
  • Know how to check the boat for damages
  • Know how to clean the boat
  • Know how to make simple adjustments (e.g. rigger clips, footplates, and slides)
  • Know how to derigg and rig a boat
  • Attend at least one UARS Materials Day
  • Be able to do smaller gelcoat repairs under supervision (e.g. at materials day)
  • Know the procedure on how to report damages

Stage 2 rowers to Stage 3 rowers: 

1. Club sessions: Allmän träning & Social rowing

  • Participate in at least 40 club sessions as a stage 2 rower (usually covering 200 km in total). Document your forty sessions (Strava or pen & paper) with approximate distance and boat type
  • Participate in at least five allmän tränings (Mondays & Wednesdays) with stage 1-2 rowers in your crew
  • Participate in at least two social rowing sessions (Saturdays) with stage 1-2 rowers in your crew

2. Develop your rowing technique further

  • Demonstrate good erg technique (fast hands, horizontal rowing, low rate acceleration, controlled recovery)
  • Participate in 5 winter training sessions
  • Be proficient in both sweep and sculling (minimum 10 sessions in a 1x and 10 sessions in a 2-)
  • Video analysis: be able to recognize 2 distinct points (good or improvement)
  • Collect feedback from several coached sessions
  • Row at least 10 times with a Stage 3 rower, have an aim with each session
  • Be proficient in rowing square blades

3. Captain a crew

  • Be able to steer by foot and by making calls in coxless crew boats (2x, 2-, 4x, 4-)
  • Sit 12 times on top (seat 1, bow seat) in 2x, 2-,4x and 4- (three times each)
  • Practice steering a line and steering a point (for example straight in lanes and turns on Fyris)
  • Cox a crew during rowing school or allmän träning/social rowing

4. Longer distances and higher rates

  • Row 2 x 30 min on the erg at a constant rate (18-22)
  • Row 8 km in smaller boats (2x, 2- & 1x), without stop
  • Be able to perform a race start in any boat type
  • Be able to perform quick pace jumps, from 26 to 18 in 2 strokes.
  • Be able to row and follow rates above 30 in a crew

5. Safety

  • Demonstrate good control of the boat, effortlessly avoiding obstacles and traffic during club sessions (Social rowing sessions in summer have more traffic)
  • Complete the UARS capsize drill, indoors in a pool or outdoors during summer training camp
  • Knowledge of winter rowing rules and how to apply them

6. Boat material

  • Know how to recognize unrowable material issues
  • Know how to do gelcoat repairs
  • Know how to adjust gate height
  • Know how to adjust oar length
  • Know how to check and adjust angles
  • Know how to adjust and tighten steering (2-, 4- or 4x)
  • Know how to load the trailer and tie down boats and oars for transport
  • Attend at least two UARS Materials Days and one Dock Day

Want to level up?

Apply here for a level up session with our level up coordinators!